Pro Gamer 101: 10 Best Ways to Earn Money Through Gaming in 2022

With the increased use of smartphones, laptops, and tablets there is a rise in creative activities like designing, acting, make-up artists and vloggers, etc. With the use of the latest technology and applications, many self-taught artists got recognition. And the gaming industry majorly came into existence and so we got so many professional gamers. 

We live in a very orthodox society where studies mean everything according to people and their mentality. If you are not good at studies this means you are not good at anything and you can’t do anything which means you did not have any career. But it’s not true at all, every person has different interests, some may be studious,  some may be good in sports, art, dance, singing, etc. There are a number of fields to make a career in. 

Nowadays making money online through different channels is very easy but it is quite challenging too because of increased competition. If we look around ourselves we will find many people earning through such things as websites, YouTubes, social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook, etc. Many among them are students of school and colleges. 

These little students are making so much money that they are able to bear all and all their education expenses by themselves just by implementing their creative skills and making good content. 

Is making money using e platforms that easy? To Be honesty it requires a lot of hard work and skills. People have so many things in mind while creating content like it may not disrespect anyone and in fact they keep in mind that no one gets offended by the content. 

Earn Money Through Gaming

Image Credit: Teknos Associates

What does Gaming content actually mean?

Gaming content is getting so much popular on a very big e platform youtube. Creators come up with the content of trending games like PubG, minecraft, free fire etc. The content may include tips and tricks to ace any particular level of the game or how to win extra items to ace the game etc. 

Youtube is a website for sharing videos which was registered in 2005. On an average about 500 hours of content got published on youtube every minute. Youtube has a variety of features  like live streams, shorts and paid content. Every video on youtube is bifurcated into music, news, trending, comedy, short films, documentaries, gaming and movie treasures etc. 

Youtube is a very common platform for content creators and streaming gamers to earn, youtube pay creators for every view on their video. 

Money Through Gaming

Image Credit: World Informs

List of top 20 gaming influencers on youtube

  1. Pewdiepie
  2. Fernanfloo
  3. Vanoss Gaming
  4. Carry Minati
  5. The Donato
  6. Jess No Limit
  7. League of Legends
  8. Vegetta777
  9. El Rubius
  10. RezendeEvil
  11. Mr. Beast Gaming
  12. Typical Gamer
  13. Flamingo
  14. Techno Gamer
  15. Total Gaming
  16. Lokesh Gamer
  17. Live Insann
  18. CarryisLive
  19. Gyaan Gamer
  20. Desi Gamers

Streamlabs OBS V/S OBS

OBS is a software that has a very high performance and gives you a really good user experience but does not include some of the additional features and functionalities whereas streamlabs OBS is an updated version of OBS which is also free to use and has an easier installation process than OBS and it comes up with some extra features as well.

10 Best Ways to Earn Money Through Gaming

Following are the tips and tricks that can be used to earn money through gaming:

  • Start Making Videos as a coach

One of the coolest ways to make money by playing video games is to offer to coach your favorite competitive game (such as Free Fire). Video game coaches make anywhere from rupees 1000-10,000 per hour, depending on how good they are, what type of content they serve and how in-demand their services are. Getting started as a coach typically means gaining an audience through a platform like YouTube and offering your services to your audience.

  • Always to make quality content

Gaming videos are more favorite of children. Creators should never compromise on the quality of their videos and go for a well-established game streaming software. Here quality does not mean content quality, quality also means video quality like audio, video, etc.  Content should be attractive, graphics must be excellent because it helps to attract new audiences

  • Power of good accessories 

Gamers must try to use good accessories like cameras, webcams, mics, and PCs, etc. Because good accessories will help to make the content look rich and this will help in gaining a new audience.

  • Make Gaming Tutorials

Gamers can even make money by creating gaming tutorials on how to play a particular video game. Creators’ YouTube channel or streaming site will earn money whenever a  person clicks on it. Advertisers pay Google to display ads between the videos and this is the major income source of Youtubers. 

  • Live Streaming

Anybody and everybody can stream their content on youtube and anyone can watch that across the globe. Live streams are coming live and creators can even interact with their audience during a live stream. Live streams are very successful in increasing the crowd to one channel. The biggest platform for streaming is Twitch and YouTube.

  •  Participate and WIN GAMING TOURNAMENTS 

Tournaments are for almost all the competitions where so many people/teams take part. If you have the required skills, then you can join the Esports organization and can earn money through winning the tournaments.

  • Get in  touch with sponsors 

Once creators get a good following on their stream, it does not matter to any platform like  YouTube or Twitch in order to generate more revenue Creators do need to contact sponsors. But getting a sponsor is a very hard job, firstly creators need to impress them and then search for the brand they want to advertise.

  • Make an appearance on twitch 

Twitch is an American live streaming service site, which majorly focuses on gaming streams. Anyone can stream and watch the live stream on this site. Twitch is a great tool for creators to show up their content and gain an audience. With each subscriber, a creator on twitch can earn about 5$. 

  • Be a part of gaming League

If you have the skills and you are interested in gaming as a career then you can join gaming leagues. Play tournaments individually or in teams. Win the tournament and get cash rewards and fame.

  • Write Blogs on Game

Creators can even write SEO-based blogs and articles and can publish them on their own sites or google, quora, etc. Writing SEO blogs will help in gaining more reach and recognition.  


Image Credit: TechRepublic

The post Pro Gamer 101: 10 Best Ways to Earn Money Through Gaming in 2022 appeared first on Techenger.

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