10 Best Sites to Reduce PNG File Size of a Photo in 2022

If you are a blogger or web designer, you might know the importance of PNG files. PNG is one of the most used image file formats that’s well-optimized for the web. However, PNG files are often oversized, especially if compared to JPEG.

PNG files contain lots of metadata, an overdose of colors, and other stuff. The good thing is that you can remove all those unnecessary data from PNG files to reduce their size. Hence, this article will share some of the best sites to compress PNG files.

Also Read: How to Resize Multiple Images at Once in Windows 10

List of 10 Best Sites To Reduce PNG File Size Of A Photo

In this article, we will list down some of the best online photo compressors to reduce the file size of the PNG image. So, let’s check out the best online tools to reduce PNG file size.

1. Xconvert


Xconvert is a web-based tool that allows you to compress PDF file sizes for free. The web tool attempts to compress the PDF file without compromising its quality. It’s a no watermark PNG compressor that optimizes your images for free.

Besides compressing the PNG files, Xconvert can compress PDF, convert images to PDF, merge images to PDF, etc. Overall, Xconvert is a great site to reduce PNG file size.

2. CloudConvert


CloudConvert is an online PNG compressor that claims to reduce the PNG file size up to 70% while maintaining its quality. The site’s interface is pretty clean, and it compresses your images in literally no time.

As per our testing, we found some quality loss, but that’s negligible. Besides compressing the PNG files, CloudConvert also offers other web-based tools such as PDF Compressor, JPG compressor, Document converter, Font converter, etc.

3. Compress2GO


Compress2GO is a website that provides many useful tools for file compression. For example, you can compress images and videos, create archive files, and create ZIP files with Compress2GO.

Regarding the PNG compression, Compress2GO allows you to select the compression level before compressing the file manually. Overall, Compress2GO is a great site to reduce the PNG file size of a photo on a PC.

4. Compress PNG

Compress PNG

As the site’s name says, Compress PNG is an online image compressor tool that focuses on PNG files only.

The best thing about Compress PNG is that it effectively reduces the file size without compromising the quality of the image. Users need to upload the PNG file and click on the ‘Compress’ button to compress PNG files quickly.

5. Giftofspeed


GiftofSpeed is probably the best online image file compressor that you can use today. Unlike the previous one, GiftOfSpeed’s focus is not limited to PNG only.

It has a wide range of web tools to compress files. You can easily compress PNG files, JPEG files, Compress images, optimize javascript, Compress CSS, etc.

6. TinyPNG


When it comes to reducing a PNG file size, nothing seems to beat TinyPNG. TinyPNG is a website that promises to reduce the PNG file size without compromising the image quality.

It’s also one of the oldest PNG compressors available on the web, and it uses some lossy compressing techniques to reduce file size.

7. EzGIF


EzGIF is an all-in-one image compressor that you can use today. This is a web-based tool that you can use to compress every image file format.

The best thing about EzGIF is that it effectively reduces the file size of the PNG format. Not just that, but you can also use it to compress animated PNG.

8. Image Optimizer

Image Optimizer

Image Optimizer is a free web tool to resize, compress, and optimize your image files. The site’s user interface is pretty clean, and it isn’t bloated with any unnecessary features.

Before compressing the image, you can even set the optimization quality, max-width & height.

9. Compressor.io

Compressor.ioCompressor.io is another powerful online tool capable enough to reduce the size of any image format. Not just PNG, Compressor.io can also compress other image formats as well. The tool drastically reduces the size of your image files while maintaining the quality.

10. Iloveimg


If you are looking for a powerful image compressor tool that only focuses on PNG files, ILoveimg might be the best pick. Guess what? The web-based tool can drastically reduce the size of your PNG file format.

Apart from compressing images, it has other useful tools like converting image files, photo editor, meme generator, etc.

So, these are the best online PNG compressor that you can use today. It’s worth noting that there are plenty of other online PNG compressors available on the internet, but we have listed only the best ones.

The post 10 Best Sites to Reduce PNG File Size of a Photo in 2022 appeared first on Tech Viral.

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